outside firing request form
We bisque fire to cone 06 and glaze fire to cone 5; we can also accommodate low-fire requests. If you are looking to fire work with us, please fill out the form below.
Please be sure to confirm the cone temperature of the clay and glaze you are using and if you can, please have cookies for your work to be fired on. If your piece(s) results in substantial damage to the kiln shelves, you will be subject to additional repair fees.
Please note: submitting this form does not guarantee space in the kiln. We will reach out to confirm and coordinate drop-off. Thanks!
Our rates include both bisque and glaze firing:
pieces under 6” on longest side: $3/piece
pieces over 6” on any side: $0.05 per cubic inch
pieces over 12” on longest side: $0.10 per cubic inch
Please allow 2 weeks for your pieces to be fired and ready for pickup.